Thursday, December 22, 2011

First murderer, now enslaver?

With Obama's planned signing of the National Defense Authorization Act,we now face the real prospect of Americans being detained without trial, or recourse to legal counsel or even Habeas Corpus.  I personally am not impressed with the tortuous logic that the Executive Branch, and now the Legislative branch have used to justify this heinous abrogation of our civil liberties.

Obama and his advisors are already guilty of the murder, without trial, of an American citizen (Anwar al-Awlaki), so why should a little arbitrary and without due process detention worry him? 

This whole affair reminds me of the Nazi Party implementing "Protective Custody" to incarcerate their undesirables after the burning of the Reichstag .   Then it was Jews, Communists and Socialists, the Mentally Ill and, well just about anyone they wanted to arrest, and ultimately liquidate.  "Good" Germans sat fearfully by, hoping that the terror the Nazis unleashed on their land would go away.  At first they trusted that the aged Hindenburg would stop the madness, and by the time the woke up to the fact he wasn't able to, it was too late.  Literally millions of deaths, a world war, and the complete and utter destruction of their nation (and every adjacent one as well) later, the "good" Germans were able to say they were never against it, and wasn't a shame.

What will it be for us?  As we're in a perpetual and undefined state of war, and the USA is now the battle field, I guess anyone questioning authority and its decisions are aiding and abetting the enemy in a time of war - Treason under Article Three, Section three of the Constitution:  "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court."

No, it's time to end this unconstitutional grab at our liberties.  Time to dust of our sacred documents and remind ourselves that Freedom is never free, is always earned through the blood of Patriots, and that a modern society is based on the consent of the people to be governed.  Our Declaration of Independence stated this, Jefferson held that a society requires a new revolution every 20 years or so, Washington that society need be armed sufficiently to retake power from any government, and Franklin held that those who are willing to give up a few liberties to secure their freedom deserve neither security nor freedom.

So, are you a "good" American?  Or one who understands your duty to resist this newest tyranny?  Will you trust the Judicial branch (bought and paid for by the same corporations that bring you this Congress and President) to protect your rights?  Will you sit idly by, watch your big screen TV and give thanks to the consumer gods for all the useless crap that clutters your life and demeans your existence, or will you pay attention and do something about this?

Time will certainly tell - but remember it only took about 6 months in Germany to solidify the power of the police state.



If you're not pissed off by this point, you really haven't been paying attention.

1 comment:

  1. Our handicap in this 21st century is the ignorance of the population. Minds neutralized by television pap are swayed by visceral reaction rather than thoughtful reasoning. So we may sway the masses our way once or twice, but the other guys will have flashy football adverts that boggle the simple minds the other way later on. American disdain for education is world renown, but is it a matter of shame? Hardly. You don't have to Google far before you find national leaders exalting Americans' lack of respect for education. So my comment is this basically: How can a society that doesn't know what's going on one way or the other form a revolution?
