General question out there - when in the course of financial affairs the banks violate the basic principles of the agreement with their customers, should the customers refuse to pay the banks? Should the government uphold this action?
This is a real question as it becomes clear that the financial institutions banded together to systematically defraud Hundreds of Trillions of dollars in financial instruments through illegally manipulating the interest rates and terms upon which they are based.
Our cities are going bankrupt.
Our homes are being foreclosed.
We've paid higher than necessary interest rates on all our debt.
And yet, despite all this, banks continue to insist on enforcing the terms of our agreements- interest payments, fines and penalties and other exorbitant measures of financial penalties.
Should we continue to pay? When is enough enough?
I hold that, as of this day, our obligation to abide by the terms of agreements with banks, credit card companies and other usurious institutions is null and void - that through their systematic and PLANNED violation of the law, and common decency, they no longer can look to their debtors to follow the terms of any financial contract.
I further hold that, given the heinous nature of their offenses, that no longer shall fines alone be sufficient to ameliorate their crimes. No, from this day forward I say that We the People DEMAND that the traders, managers and executives that oversaw these and other illegal activities be tried and imprisoned. Since when is it acceptable in society that a man, found guilty of stealing a thousand dollars should be sentenced to 20 years imprisonment, yet one who has stolen Billions of dollars not be charged or tried at all.
This gets to the center of what type of society we want to live in.
I further hold that, if our government does NOT vigorously prosecute these financial criminals, that it is no longer a legitimate government and needs to be replaced IN TOTAL - the individuals, the institutions, the Laws and Regulations, indeed all facets of a government that would NOT hold criminals of this sort publicly accountable for their actions can no longer claim to legitimately govern its people.